

MEAT-TECH is enriched with a focus dedicated to the world of proteins, with the new section PRO-TECH

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Fiera Milano (Italy)



MEAT-TECH is enriched with a focus dedicated to the world of proteins, with the new section PRO-TECH

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Fiera Milano (Italy)

Sustainable packaging for the meat and cold cuts sector: new scenarios

The path towards  MEAT-TECH 2021 is enriched with an appointment organized in cooperation with ASSICA


Welcome speech- Nicola Levoni, President of ASSICA

On the road to MEAT-TECH 2021 - Rossano Bozzi, CEO of Ipack Ima

Sostenibilità: obbligo od opportunità? - Stefano Mele, CEO Gruppo Fabbri
DOWNLOAD THE SPEECH ACTS (only in Italian version)

Thinking "out of the box”: il packaging come risorsa - Simone Pedrazzini, Director Quantis Italia 
DOWNLOAD THE SPEECH ACTS  (only in Italian version)

Packaging e sostenibilità: trend e ultime novità dal mondo della ricerca - Luigi De Nardo, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta” of Politecnico di Milano
DOWNLOAD THE SPEECH ACTS (only in Italian version)

Green Packaging: potenzialità e limiti dei materiali innovativi  - Nella Bovis,  Packaging Sector Researcher SSICA - Giovanna Saccani, Meat Preserves Area Researcher SSICA
DOWNLOAD THE SPEECH ACTS  (only in Italian version)